
14.10.2022  News
TÜRKAK Representatives Participated in EA Committee Meetings

Representatives of the Turkish Accreditation Agency participated in the following committee meetings held by the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) in the 2022-Autumn period.

  • Horizontal Harmonisation Committee (HHC),
  • Laboratory Committee (LC),
  • Certification Committee (CC),
  • Inspection Committee (IC),
  • Multilateral Agreement Council (MAC),
  • Communications and Publications Committee (CPC),
  • Multilateral Agreement Council Management Group (MAC MG)

In these meetings, representatives of national accreditation agencies of EA member countries exchanged ideas on relevant areas and worked on harmonising accreditation activities.

The following topics were mainly discussed at the EA committee meetings, which were held face-to-face for the first time after the pandemic:

Horizontal Harmonisation Committee

  • Decisions on the harmonised application of ISO/IEC 17011 and Regulation 765/2008

Laboratory Committee

  • New draft of ISO/IEC 17043 standard
  • Results of the work of the task force groups on biobanking, metrology and virtual simulation

Certification Committee

  • Initiation of review processes for ISO/IEC 17065:2012 and ISO/IEC 17024:2012, information on the status of level 4 and 5 standards and mandatory documents and discussions on the questions submitted to the committee
  • Workshop on the definition of a “full” and “effective” audit 

Inspection Committee

  • Discussions on current developments and questions submitted to the committee on ERA (European Union Railway Agency), SERMI Accreditation Programme (Safety Related Repair and Maintenance Information Programme), CSI (Crime Scene Investigation), Vehicle Type Approval, Car Inspection and EU ETV (European Union Environmental Technology Verification)
  • Workshop on Impartiality and Independence

Multilateral Agreement Council

  • EA MLA details for EN ISO/IEC 17029:2019
  • New EA MLA signatory status for the Icelandic Board for Technical Accreditation (ISAC)

Communications and Publications   Committee

  • ILAC and IAF marketing and communication activities, current developments and promotion of the national and international values and benefits of accreditation, sharing of experience on communication strategies of accreditation bodies
  • Workshop on communication plans for different scenarios that accreditation bodies may face