An online meeting was held on July 1, 2022 with the participation of Secretary General Banu Müderrisoğlu to evaluate the survey conducted within the scope of the “Greenhouse Gas Emission Voluntary Field Study” and to consult the needs of the sector regarding the relevant accreditation programs. Relevant public institutions, non-governmental organizations, conformity assessment bodies and private sector representatives attended the meeting.
"We continue to carry out our activities by taking into account the current developments and the opinions of our stakeholders"
In the opening speech of the meeting, Secretary General Müderrisoğlu thanked the stakeholders for participating in the survey and sharing their views. Noting that TÜRKAK continues its activities within the scope of the P402 (Akreditasyon Programlarının Oluşturulması Prosedürü) taking into account the current developments and the opinions of the stakeholders, Müderrisoğlu reminded that the evaluations of the stakeholders play an important role in determining the scope of accreditation service.
After Müderrisoğlu's opening speech, a presentation was made to evaluate the activities that TÜRKAK has done and planned to do in the field of Greenhouse Gas Emission Verification. After the presentation, the participants evaluated the current situation and needs of the sector regarding the relevant accreditation programs.