
25.11.2021  News
TÜRKAK Advisory Board Meeting was held on 25 November 2021 in Ankara.

Turkish Accreditation Agency (TÜRKAK) Advisory Board meeting was held in Ankara under the presidency of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı, with the participation of TÜRKAK Board of Directors and Advisory Board members from the public and private sectors.

At the meeting where TÜRKAK Secretary General Banu Müderrisoğlu made the opening speech, Deputy Secretary Generals Dr. Kürşat Özdemir and Ayşe Yalova Gökçe made presentations to the members of the Advisory Board, explaining the activities, current developments and targets.

Secretary General Müderrisoğlu stated that they set the agenda of this year's Advisory Board meeting within the framework of the current conditions, taking into account last year's suggestions. In this context, Müderrisoğlu reminded that the questionnaire submitted to the Advisory Board was about "Impartiality", which is a requirement of the ISO 17011 standard that accreditation bodies are obliged to comply with, and TÜRKAK attaches great importance.

TÜRKAK Chairperson of the Board of Management Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı emphasized that TÜRKAK is the sole national accreditation body in its field, and drew attention to the need not to respect different structures in Turkey.

Kaymakcı emphasized that the role of TÜRKAK is very important in the issues agreed and committed during the United Nations Climate Conference COP26, as well as in the issues within the framework of the Paris Agreement and the EU Green Deal. Pointing out that these will open new sectors or initiate transformation in existing sectors, Ambassador Kaymakcı said that conformity assessment and accreditation will play a key role at this stage.

The program ended after the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs, Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı, received the opinions and suggestions  of the Advisory Board members from the public and private sectors, and answered their questions together with the Secretary General Banu Müderrisoğlu.