
24.05.2024  News
The 55th EA General Assembly was held in Bruges

The 55th EA General Assembly Meeting was held in Bruges, Belgium on May 22-23, 2024, with the participation of 81 representatives from national accreditation bodies of EA member countries. TÜRKAK was represented at the meeting by Secretary General Banu Müderrisoğlu, Deputy Secretary General Ayşe Yalova Gökçe and Head of Assessment, Training and Projects Accreditation Department İhsan Emre Bilici.

A vote was held at the meeting for the EA Board of Directors elections, which are held every two years. Secretary General Banu Müderrisoğlu was nominated as a member of the EA Executive Board for the first time in TÜRKAK history. As a result of the vote, Belgium was elected as the President of the Board, Norway as the Vice President, and representatives of national accreditation bodies from Portugal, Denmark, France and Germany were elected as members of the Board.

The General Assembly discussed issues such as EA's 2025 strategy, the current status of the EA MLA (Multilateral Recognition Agreement) Brand, the harmonization of accreditation standards, and the latest status of the one organization project (GLOBAC). The General Assembly also decided that the Horizontal Harmonization Committee (HHC) would start work on the revision of the mandatory document  EA-2/17.

The next General Assembly meeting will be held in Portugal on 20-21 November 2024. Istanbul will host the General Assembly on 21-22 May 2025, while the upcoming meetings will be held in Austria, Luxembourg, Azerbaijan and Slovenia, respectively.