
08.03.2024  News
EA Peer Evaluation Process Completed Successfully

TÜRKAK's European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) Peer Evaluation process was successfully carried out with office and field (witness) evaluations between 4-8 March.

The peer evaluation team, which evaluated all the studies of the Agency with 11 evaluators who are expert in their field, praised TÜRKAK's competent and experienced personnel structure, accreditation services and digital system. The evaluators, who described the Agency’s services as professional, competent and of high quality, expressed that they were amazed by the TÜRKAK working system. Stating that they were impressed by TÜRKAK's work with a complete team approach, EA peer evaluators thanked them for the hospitality shown to them and the logistical facilities provided.

EA Peer Evaluation Team Leader Andreia Geraldo stated that an extremely successful accreditation infrastructure has been built by TÜRKAK employees, appreciated the Agency’s innovative approach to digitalization and praised the IT system that operates on the zero paper principle.

Secretary General Banu Müderrisoğlu stated that a disciplined approach and a good team approach are behind the successful result and that they continue to receive the reward of the effective and efficient work done by TÜRKAK day by day. Müderrisoğlu stated that they know the importance of seeing a different perspective on the work, thanks to peer evaluations, and that they will benefit from these opinions in improving their business processes.

What is Peer Evaluation?

The European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) aims to ensure the reliability of documents accepted as equivalents in international trade by monitoring the quality of the services of national accreditation institutions with which it has signed a Mutual Recognition Agreement. Based on the ISO/IEC 17011 standard, which determines the requirements that national accreditation bodies must comply with, evaluators who are competent in their fields from EA member countries participate in peer-evaluations carried out every 4 years. As a result of the evaluation, it may be decided to continue the competencies of national accreditation bodies, impose certain sanctions or restrict their authority.