
06.03.2023  News
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Mehmet Kemal BOZAY has been appointed as the Chairperson of the Executive Board

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Mehmet Kemal BOZAY has been appointed as the Chairperson of the Executive Board of the Turkish Accreditation Agency.

About Mehmet Kemal BOZAY

Place and Date of Birth: Ankara, 1966

Academic Degree: International Relations Department (graduated in 1988), Middle East Technical University

2019-2023      Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Türkiye to the EU
2016-2018      Ambassador, Deputy Undersecretary for Europe and EU Affairs
2012- 2016     Ambassador of Türkiye in Belgrade
2009- 2012     Minister Plenipotentiary and Principal Advisor to the Undersecretary of the Foreign Ministry
2005 - 2009    Deputy Chief of Mission, Turkish Embassy Tel Aviv
2003 - 2005    Head of Department, Deputy Directorate General for Middle East
1999 - 2003    Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Türkiye to U.N.
1997 - 1999    Deputy Chief and Chief of Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
1996 - 1997    First Secretary, Turkish Embassy Sarajevo
1993 - 1996    Second Secretary, Turkish Embassy Ljubljana
1991 - 1993    Third Secretary, Turkish Embassy Tehran
1990 - 1991    Junior career diplomat, DG for International Political Organizations
1990                Military service
1989 - 1990    Junior career diplomat, Directorate General (DG) for Gulf States