
08.03.2022  News
Closing Event of “Enhancement of TÜRKAK’s Capacity“ Project was held in Ankara.

"Closing Event" was held within the scope of the "Technical Assistance for Enhancement of TÜRKAK's Capacity in Accreditation of Conformity Assesment Bodies" project financed by the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye and continuing since March 2019.

At the event, the opening speeches were made respectively by TÜRKAK Secretary General Banu Müderrisoğlu, Acting Head of Central Finance and Contract Unit Barbaros Murat Köse, EU Delegation to Türkiye Representative Bartosz Przywara, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı.

In the closing event, the activities carried out throughout the project, the results obtained from the activities, the outputs of the project and improvement suggestions for the next period were evaluated.

“We are proud of the results in the Global Quality Infrastructure Index”

TÜRKAK Secretary General Banu Müderrisoğlu started her speech by celebrating 8 March International Women's Day. Müderrisoğlu emphasized that they are justifiably proud of the fact that Türkiye is at the top of the "Global Quality Infrastructure Index" list. Secretery General emphasized the strength of TÜRKAK's experience of more than 22 years, its well-equipped staff and its technical infrastructure adapted to current conditions. Müderrisoğlu said “I would like to state once again that we have the power and opportunity to meet all kinds of services.”

TÜRKAK will play an important role in green and digital transformation.

Starting his speech by celebrating International Women's Day, Deputy Foreign Minister Faruk Kaymakcı expressed his satisfaction with the high rate of female employees of TÜRKAK and emphasized the importance of women's meticulousness and delicacy in accreditation. Reminding that the project aims to improve the quality infrastructure in the field of accreditation services in Türkiye, Faruk Kaymakcı said that TÜRKAK is the only authorized accreditation institution in the country. Kaymakcı stated that a period in which green and digital transformation came to the fore in Europe has begun and shared his opinion that TÜRKAK will be among the leading institutions of Europe in this regard.

TÜRKAK got maximum efficiency from the project.

Strategy Development Director and Project Coordinator Şakir Ömer Sarı gave information about TÜRKAK's activities and the relationship of these activities with the targeted results of the project. Sarı conveyed what gains have been achieved from the project from the perspective of TÜRKAK and the plans for how these gains can be sustained in the future.