
08.08.2023  News
Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) Visited TÜRKAK to Get Information About TÜRKAK’s Digital Transformation Process

TÜRKAK hosted a high-level delegation from the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS), which came to examine TÜRKAK’s new accreditation automation system designed with zero paper principle.

At the meeting, where TÜRKAK Secretary General Banu Müderrisoğlu and ATS Director Dragan Pusara also attended, TÜRKAK’s experience on  digital transformation and digital management of accreditation activities was shared with the participants. The harmonization of accreditation processes and regional cooperation in the field of accreditation were also discussed at the meeting in Ankara.

At the EA General Assembly held in Dubrovnik on May 24, 2023, TÜRKAK Secretary General Banu Müderrisoğlu made a presentation with the theme "Digitalization in Accreditation Processes of TÜRKAK". After this presentation, accreditation bodies that aimed to digitalize their processes in a similar way wanted to get detailed information from TÜRKAK on the subject.

ATS Director Dragan Pusara conveyed his thanks to TÜRKAK and stated that they encountered a much more advanced system than they expected. He highlighted that they benefited very much from the information given in the meeting and would keep them in mind to use during restructuring process of ATS.