
02.11.2023  News
A Meeting was Held Between TÜRKAK and MEB to Increase Accreditation Awareness

A "Sharing Meeting for Increasing Accreditation Awareness" was held between TÜRKAK and the Ministry of National Education (MEB) in Ankara on November 2, 2023. At the meeting, ways and importance of increasing awareness of conformity assessment and accreditation in schools were discussed. Following the meeting, a workshop was held where officials from the two institutions came together to discuss possible joint activities to be implemented in cooperation with TÜRKAK and MEB. It was planned to prepare a road map for the future process by evaluating the opinions shared at the workshop by TÜRKAK and MEB.

Speaking at the opening of the meeting, Secretary General Banu Müderrisoğlu emphasized that the way to create an understanding and raise a strong awareness in our society in the field of accreditation processes and quality standards is through education. Müderrisoğlu stated that caring about, adopting and demanding the understanding of quality as a society can only be possible by strengthening the education in this field, and emphasized that as TÜRKAK, they will show their corporate presence strongly without hesitation in order for the understanding of quality to gain a place in our society.