Our Agency’s primary responsibility is to provide high quality service, to improve the system continuously and to provide social benefits, within a management system that complies with the requirements of the ISO / IEC 17011 Standard.
Our Agency is a non-profit organization which conducts its accreditation activities with competent and sufficient human resources, free from all types of administrative, political, financial, commercial effects which could harm its objectivity, impartiality and independency
While our Agency conducts these activities, our Department provides support services in terms of procurement works, management of human resource processes and information technologies with the awareness of providing limited public resources on time with effective, economic and efficient use, as well as with financial transparency and accountability principles.
Within this context, our Department constitutes of Procurement Affairs Directorate, Human Resources Directorate and Information Technologies Directorate.
In line with TÜRKAK’s goals and corporate strategic plans, the Human Resources Directorate carries out all kinds of modern human-power practices in order to realize the recruitment of administrative and technical personnel suitable for the job and to enable them to work in a high level of employee satisfaction within our Agency.
Regarding the human resources management, our Directorate works;
Within this context, adhering to the mission, vision, policies and core values of our Agency, our Directorate applies human resources strategies which are evaluable, applicable and compatible with the follow-up objectives.
In line with the objectives, principles and instructions determined by the senior management of TÜRKAK, Procurement Affairs Directorate plans the required services, documents and archive works, machinery equipment, fixtures and consumables within the approved budget and allowances and purchases them effectively and transparently within the framework of the provisions defined in “Public Financial Management and Control Law" No. 5018 and Public Procurement Law" No. 4734. During the execution of these processes, the principles of acting within short, medium- and long-term business plans and creating a transparent and fully competitive environment in every aspect are followed in order to make these purchases in line with the interests of TÜRKAK.
Our Directorate makes effective purchases by taking into consideration the basic factors such as supply chain risks and sustainability in order to ensure that the services and activities of our institution are carried out economically, efficiently and effectively to prevent splurge and to ensure the most appropriate and efficient use of available resources such as people, money and materials within the framework of the legislation we depend on. In addition, it is aimed to supply the need at the right time and in the best condition by working in coordination with the department where the service is provided.
The main function of the Information Technologies Directorate is to manage the server park by developing the software needed for TÜRKAK, determining the hardware, planning the network infrastructure and its execution, making the necessary planning for e-mails and other services to ensure uninterrupted operation.
Our Directorate provides technical support to our Agency, conformity assessment bodies and our assessor / technical experts for the effective implementation of accreditation processes. In addition, our Directorate, which closely follows the technology and aims to integrate the current systems into the activities of the Agency, keeps the information infrastructure up-to-date by taking the technological developments, user needs, system and information security, ease of use and user satisfaction into account and responds quickly to the requirements of the information technologies.
Traffic information regarding the services provided is kept in accordance with the Law No. 5651 “Law on Regulation of the Publications Made on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed Through These Publications" and other relevant legislation, and the accuracy, integrity and confidentiality of this information is protected.