Legal Counseling Department carries out the duties assigned to the Legal Departments in accordance with the provisions of the Decree Law on the Execution of Legal Services in the Public Administrations within the Scope of the General Budget and Special Budget Administrations No. 659 dated 26/9/2011 and other duties assigned by the Secretary General. In addition, it represents our Agency in judicial and administrative cases, enforcement proceedings and any other legal disputes that are submitted to the judiciary, and pursues lawsuits and enforcement proceedings on behalf of the Agency.
In addition, necessary legal follow-up is carried out in cases where the provisions of the Accreditation Contract signed between the Conformity Assessment Bodies and our Agency are not complied with, amendments to the Law, Decree and Regulation are made within the scope of the legislative amendments and preparations, and in coordination with the other Departments responses are given to the judicial and administrative Justice regarding their demands on the necessary information and documents needed for their interim decisions.
In cases where the complaints and appeals received by our Agency continue or when the solution of the complaint / appeal requires a legal evaluation or if it is deemed necessary by the Secretary General, the subject is presented to the Evaluation Board of the Complaints and Appeals by the Legal Counselor. The secretariat of this board is also conducted by our Department.
Within the scope of the legal consultancy, our Department also gives legal opinions about the legislation drafts prepared by other public institutions and organizations regarding the services of our Agency, legislation drafts and any draft contract/specifications to be prepared by our other Departments, the works related to the disputes between the administration and third parties and other issues coming from the other administrative departments.