Decree Number: 4
(Section Concerning the Turkish Accreditation Agency)
Article: 634
(7) The Executive Board shall be composed of seven members in total, from the members of the Advisory Board listed in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of the second paragraph, with three members from each subparagraph appointed by the Minister, and the Secretary-General.
(8) No more than one representative from any organisation shall be included in the Board of Management.
(9) Those who have administrative or financial relation with a conformity assessment body, or first degree relation by blood or marriage or in marriage with the decision-makers of such organisations may not be members in the Executive Board. The representatives of an institution or organisation with which a conformity assessment body is affiliated, related or associated may not be members in the Executive Board.
(10) The term of office is three years for the members of the may not be members in the Executive Board except for the Secretary-General. Expiring members may be appointed at most two more terms.
(11) The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board shall be appointed by the Minister with whom the Agency is related, with one from subparagraph (a) and another from subparagraph (b) of the second paragraph. The members of the Board of Management other than the Secretary-General are not permanent Agency personnel. The decisions taken by the Executive Board shall be executed by the Secretary-General.
Chairman of the Board
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vice Chairman of the Board
Technology Development Foundation of Türkiye Board Member
Board Member
Turkish Competition Authority Vice-President
Board Member
Secretary General of Turkish Accreditation Agency
Board member
Deputy Minister of Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Board Member
Vice Chair of the Board of Giresun Chamber of Commerce and Industry