
29.09.2023  Announcements
Transition Conditions for ISO 22003-1:2022 Standard

ISO 22003-1:2022 Standard was published in June 2022. The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) has determined the requirements for the passage of the relevant standard in the IAF MD 27:2023 document.

Certification Bodies accredited for ISO 22000:2018 certification activities must present

  • Difference analysis of changes in ISO 22003-1:2022,
  • Evidence of transitional arrangements and practices,
  • Providing training and assigning all relevant personnel,
  • Internal Audit report to be made for the transition to the new version ,
  • Management Review report 
  • A plan for migration based on gap analysis,
  • The method and content of the certification body to provide information to its customers about ISO 22003-1:2022 transition and changes - in accordance with their transition plans - at least 15 days before the TÜRKAK assessmentd.

Depending on the changes brought by the ISO 22003-1:2022 standard, TÜRKAK will be able to make transitions to accredited Certification Bodies by conducting 1 man/day on-site assessment. (For Certification Bodies whose accreditation re-accreditation or surveillance assessment is planned, this process will be advanced in the office assessment.)

Organizations accredited by TÜRKAK must complete their accreditation by 31.12.2024 at the latest. TÜRKAK will not conduct audits according to ISO 22003:2013 after June 30, 2024.

Accreditation assessments of Certification Bodies that have already applied for accreditation and whose accreditation assessments have not been carried out can be carried out according to ISO 22003-1:2022.




June 30, 2022

Publication of ISO 22003-1:2022

December 31, 2024

Completion of the transition of all accredited Certification Bodies

30 June 2025

Completion of audit activities for all certified customers according to ISO 22003-1:2022