Announcement of Results for Personnel Recruitment Entrance Exam - Main and Reserve Candidates
Click here to access the list of main and reserve candidates.
A. For Candidates Eligible for Appointment:
Candidates who have passed the Personnel Recruitment Entrance Exam and are entitled to be appointed must submit the following documents to complete their appointment process:
Appointment Application Letter
(Click here for the form)
Criminal Record
(Can be obtained via e-government)
Health Report
A decision from a Psychiatry Specialist indicating that the candidate does not have any mental illness that would prevent continuous performance of duties, as required by Article 48 of the Civil Servants Law No. 657.
Military Service Status Certificate (for male candidates)
(Can be obtained via e-government)
Property Declaration Form
(Single copy, front and back) (Click here for the form)
Certificate in "Construction and/or Installation"
Approved by the Ministry of National Education.
Candidates must submit the above-mentioned documents in person or via mail to the General Correspondence Office of the Turkish Accreditation Agency by January 20, 2023, at 17:30. Those who fail to submit the application letter within the specified period will forfeit their appointment rights.
For inquiries: (0 312) 410 83 13
B. Commencement of Duties:
Those selected for employment will be notified in writing of their start date. Upon receiving the notification, they must report to duty within 15 days.
Candidates who fail to report to duty without a valid and verifiable excuse or are unreachable at their address will have their appointment canceled. Justified excuses must not exceed one month.
If a candidate does not report for duty, declines the appointment, or is found ineligible for any reason, the next candidate on the reserve list will be appointed based on their ranking. Reserve candidates’ eligibility is valid for six months from the announcement date and does not confer any rights for future recruitment exams.
This announcement is made public.